Amazement Plans_sq

Amazement Plans

Visual Thumb Tip Transitions

Transform virtually any object into any other using the Thumb Tip. Our proven tactics will get you amazing results.

The Matrix

Step-by-Step instructions in one of the most magical, easy to perform card and coin miracles ever invented.

Search & Destroy

Put the cards, and the magic, in your spectator's hands - this routine will get you there fast! Classic Aaron Fisher magic!

Second Sight

This miracle is so direct and powerful, it may quickly become your favorite commercial miracle. It’s the easiest, most powerful card effect you’ll ever find...and it even works on stage!

Dice Assembly

If you’re looking for something unconventional, look no further. Watch as ordinary dice vanish and reappear without a trace!

The Silver Sleeve

Produce coins visually from your sleeves. Use our 3 step training to perform this advanced miracle in record time. You'll be producing coins like a pro in no time!

Professional Shell Coins Across

Discover how pro magicians use the Expanded Shell Coin to make ultra-visual magic in just 6 easy steps.

The 1k Salt Vanish

Amaze 1 to 1000 people using only a Thumb Tip, a salt shaker, and our battle tested training plan that shows you every detail.

Chop Cup Champion

The easiest way to perform magic with a ball. Twists, turns and the surprise appearance of real lemons at the end!

The Ultimate Torn and Restored Bill

Astonish in no time with this simple routine using only one extra bill and a Thumb Tip. It's easy, and it never fails.

Commando Coins Across

Zero to one hundred training in how to use any coins to amaze any time. Use these lessons to master this routine.

Torn & Restored Newspaper

The professionals all agree..this is the most astonishingly visual way to perform one of the greatest stand-up miracles of all time!

Classic 3 Ball Transposition

Three solid balls pass impossibly from one hand to the other. Great for close-up, and strong enough to use on stage!

Boldest Book Test

Get ready for the easiest, most astonishing mind-reading display we’ve ever seen. Use any books, any time...with no set-up!

The Loving Cup

A ball vanishes and reappears in astounding ways... followed by the astounding appearance of not one, but two lemons!

The Super Bowl Routine

Combining Cup and Ball astonishment with sponge ball interactive miracles and the largest final appearance in magic!

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